Urban Planning and Neighbourhood Life
Our mission is to reflect on the living conditions of the neighbourhood residents and identify solutions to urban safety, housing and land-use planning issues.
Active planning for land trust in the neighbourhood.
Development monitoring for new community housing units (cooperatives and NPOs).
Providing support for the Burgundy Urban Mediation Project (BUMP).
Developing the Burgundy Path project and neighbourhood greening activities.
Ensure that residential development in the neighbourhood meets the needs identified in the community.
Promote the feeling of security and safety among neighbourhood residents.
Coordinate urban planning projects for available public or private spaces.
Arrondissement Le Sud- Ouest, | Centre culturel Georges-Vanier | CSSS Sud-Ouest- Verdun |
YMCA/Éco-quartier du Sud-Ouest-Verdun |
YMCA/Éco-quartier du Sud-Ouest | GRT Bâtir son Quartier | Impact, | Logifem |
Maison Benoît-Labre, |
OMHM | POPIR-Comité logement | Prévention Sud-Ouest/BUMP |
RESO | Services juridiques communautaires de Pointe-Saint-Charles et Petite-Bourgogne | SPVM-PDQ 15 |